How to channel your Psychic ability
Channelling our Psychic abilities is a bit like downloading information from the internet. We have this huge source of knowledge and wisdom at our fingertips, and providing we have a good connection that is reliable and clear, we can download – channel – whatever it is we need to know.
There are many different ways to channel our Psychic ability. We may hear, see, or feel Psychic information; some of us have the ability to channel information through our dreams or objects or through our loved ones in Spirit and our Spirit Guides.
Once you’ve discovered your preference for channelling you can channel anywhere and at any time you choose but remember to work with purpose and open-up and close-down just as you would if you were opening-up a shop or office. It’s really important that Spirit know when you’re ready to channel because the energy that is used to download Psychic information is more intense and concentrated than day-to-day guidance.
It’s not unusual to possess multiple ways of channelling your Psychic ability but you may find that you have stronger tendencies towards one way depending on the circumstances you’re in. For example, if you’re a Reiki healer then you will channel through touch and feelings; if you’re a tarot card reader you will channel through sight and intuition. You have plenty of time to learn as many ways to channel as you choose or to become a master of just one or two techniques.
Always begin with several deep, cleansing breaths. On the inhale count 1,2,3…hold for 1,2,3 and exhale to the count of 1,2,3. Ask your Spirit Guides and Angels to come forward and to ground and protect you as you channel. Imagine yourself surrounded by a protective bubble of white light with roots growing from the souls of your feet into the centre of the earth where they wrap themselves around a clear quartz crystal that sends a flow of energy back up through the roots. This is your opening ritual and Spirit now knows you are ready to channel.
If you have a specific question then this is the moment to ask it. If you are channelling for someone else, ask them to ask their question. If you or they need general guidance then you can ask to be shown the most important information that is relevant for you right now and what you need to know.
When we channel our Psychic abilities, we must be attuned enough to sense the answers. As you become more experienced you will block-out distractions but as you’re developing your channelling skills you’ll need plenty of peace and quiet.
Channelling your Psychic ability is a wonderful way to give your Psychic muscles a good workout. My Spirit Guides always say that they guide us with our highest good and wellbeing in mind and although we may occasionally channel information we don’t like we must trust that we are only given information that will enhance our lives in the best ways possible.
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