The purpose of shining your inner light

We all have an ‘inner light’. It starts off when we’re little children like a blazing sun, warming us up, feeding us with positive energy, and making us feel invincible. Then life starts to happen and bit by bit our courage is tested, our once optimistic outlook becomes a little bit jaded, and before we know it we’re going about our daily lives whistling the theme tune to The Godfather rather than the theme to The Sound of Music...
We know we’re shining a little less brightly, but we’ve become aware that when we shine too much it upsets other people (mainly clouds) until one day someone says to us we look tired, or they don’t love us anymore, or we’ve failed, didn’t get the job, don’t fit in, not good enough. And finally. The light. Goes. Out.
However. We’re not all beaten by the clouds, we don’t all remain hidden in the shadows afraid to light up the darkness. There are more than a few determined souls who despite circumstances and regardless of the background just carry on shining. These are the souls we need to follow, these are the souls who will show us how to switch our light on again.
We all have the choice to shine or not to shine. I’m not suggesting we do so in an inauthentic way and drive ourselves and everyone else around us nuts, but we can choose to shine in a way that illuminates a path for others to follow. This can be in the simplest of ways by setting an example to our children, being a good citizen, adopting a grounded and logical approach to life’s issues and flying a flag for kindness.
You can’t create shadows unless you have light so whenever you’re feeling insecure or unsure look to the source of the light that’s around you and feel inspired by it rather than resentful. We are all at times intimidated by someone’s light. Whatever their reason for shining and our reason for feeling insecure we can almost always identify a reason within ourselves for not feeling equal to the brightest of lights. But the truth is we are equal, we are all the same in terms of our ability to shine. It makes no difference to Spirit how we shine our light just that we shine it with as much energy and good intention as we can.
We’re all here on the planet at the exact same time for exactly the same reasons: to serve and contribute for the highest good and wellbeing of everything and everyone we are herewith.
The only thing that stops us shining is our decision not to shine. It’s true that the best things in life are free and it’s within our reach to be the change we want to see in the world.
Light-workers are among us. And the most wonderful thing about the light is that it never discriminates. Gender, race, religion – irrelevant. Just switch that light on and shine.
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